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How to create custom template?

Photo Gallery installation contains html directory with templates you can use to create photo album. Just create subdirectory with the certain files to create you own template. Photo Gallery program takes
template files and create HTML-pages using them. It change some tags of the template with the necessary data.
Album consists of three levels. First level contains small images (thumbnails), second - middle size images, and third - full size images. The third level can be omitted. Thumbnail images are arranged in the table. Program builds the first level using page.html, row.html, col.html. Thumbnail is inserted into the col.html template.
  • Several row.html are inserted into the page.html template.
  • Midle size images are inserted into the webimg.html template.
  • Full size images are inserted into the fullimg.html template.
Subdirectory a can contain any files. You can use this files to insert custom content (for example graphics, style-sheets) into your template. The directory a could be empty. Template files should be in Unicode (UTF-16) encoding.
This is the structure of template files:
./Photo Gallety/+-- photogal.exe
                            +---html/ --+-- blue center/ --- ...
                                               +-- .........../ --- ...
                                               +-- orange left/ ---+-- page.html             level 1
                                                                               +-- row.html               level 1
                                                                               +-- col.html                 level 1
                                                                               +-- webimg.html        level 2
                                                                               +-- fullimg.html          level 3
                                                                               +-- a/ --- *.*                  custom files
                                                                               +-- preview.jpg          previev of the template  

The structure of the result album is:

../GAL*/---+-- index.html
                 +-- page1.html
                 +-- page2.html
                 +-- ....
                 +-- p/ --- *.jpg
                 +-- w/ ---+-- *.html
                 |               +-- *.jpg
                 +-- f/ ---+-- *.html
                 |             +-- *.jpg
                 +-- a/ --- *.*
Directory p contains thumbnails, directory w contains midle-size images, directory f contains full-size images. Templates  contain tags, which will be substitute with the Photo Gallery program. The tags are:
  • {HtmlName} - name of the HTML-file, which placed into w or f directory;
  • {ImageName} - name of the JPG-file;
  • {ImageDescription} - description of the image;
  • {AlbumName} - name of the album;
  • {TableContent} - content of the thumbnail images table;
  • {RowContent} - contents of the thumbnail images table row.
  • {PageNum} - number of the current page;
  • {TotalPages} - quantity of the pages in album;
  • {TotalImages} - quantity of the images in album;
  • {PrevFile} - name of the previous HTML-file in a gallery;
  • {NextFile} - name of the next HTML-file in a gallery;
  • {PreviewWidth} - width of the preview image;
  • {PreviewHeight} - heigth of the preview image;
You can use:
{TableContent}, {AlbumName}, {PageNum}, {TotalPages} in page.html; {RowContent} in row.html; {ImageName}, {HtmlName}, {ImageDescription}, {PreviewWidth}, {PreviewHeight}, {AlbumName}, {PageNum}, {TotalPages} in col.html.; {AlbumName}, {ImageName}, {ImageDescription}, {HtmlName}, {TotalImages}, {ImageNum}, {PageNum}, {PrevFile}, {NextFile}, {PageNum}, {TotalPages} in webimg.html, fulimg.html.
You should use Java scripting to create navigation elements of the album. The sample of style-sheets and java-scripting  you can find in the templates supplied with the Photo Gallery program.
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